Minggu, 02 November 2014
Uma Lima ba Ema Kbi’it Laek Husi SEPFOPE
Soibada, relasiona ho programa V Guvernu konstitusional ne’ebe mak fo prioridade hodi halo uma 5 ba komunidade kbi’it laek iha 13 Distritu. Sekretaria Estadu ba Politika Formasau Professional no Emprego (SEPFOPE) liu husi Diresaun Nasional Emprego Dep. Emprego Temporario halo uma lima ba kbi’it laek uma iha Aldeia Daulorok Suco Manalala Sub Distrito Soibada Distrito Manatuto.
Governu liu husi SEPFOPE fo fiar ba kompanhia lokal hodi bele serbisu hamutuk ho Centru formasaun hodi halo konstruksaun uma lma ba kbit laek sira iha Aldeia Daulorok Suco Manalala Sub Distrito Soibada Distrito Manatuto.
Tuir Director Kompanhia Florindo da Costa ho naran kodigu Funu nian (03) haktuir katak maske nia hetan ona oportunidade atu halo uma lima ba iha komunidade sira ne’e maibe nia objetivu primeiru mak laos atu hetan deit osan maibe, nia halo uma lima ne’e ho neon ho laran tomak no hakarak uma ne’ebe mak ho kualidade no durasaun tempu kleur. nune’e labele halo depois aban bain rua aat fila fali hanesan uma balun nebe mak halo ona husi MDG’s ne’ebe mak aat lalais deit, maibe tenki halo uma ida ne’ebe mak utilize iha tempu naruk nia laran to’o iha terseiru jerasaun mos sei bele uja. Dehan Director Kompanhia.
Aliende ne’e Xefe suku Manalala Antonio Soares da Costa mos haktuir katak tuir sira nia observasaun ba iha uma ne’ebe mak husi husi SEPFOPE halo ne’e hanesan uma ne’ebe mak nia kualidade diak liu fali uma tanba MDG’s halo ho produtu estranzeiru ne’ebe mak nia durasaun tempu la to’o tinan maibe aat fila fali ona, maibe uma ne’ebe mak halo husi SEPFOPE ne’e uma ne’ebe mak nia kualidade no bele uza iha durasaun tempu ne’ebe mak naruk, tanba konstrusaun ba iha uma sira ne’e kuaze halo tuir beiala sira nian iha tempu portugues.
Ne’ebe mak uma sira halo ho produtu local ne’ebe mak mai husi fatuk deit, maibe hare ba hanesan uma ne’ebe mak luxu tebes nune’e mak lori komunidade tomak nia naran apela ba iha V guvernu konstitusional atu halo uma ba ema kbi’it laek sira karik halo tuir ezemplu husi uma ne’ebe mak kompania O3 kaer no hetan fiar husi SEPFOPE ne’e.
Selasa, 09 September 2014
XANANA Leao ho Leu (Bote) Husi : Ilidio Ximenes da Costa
Iha tempo resistensia to’o agora dau-daun ne’e, naran Xanana sei boot iha rai laran no rai liur. Naran boot tamba ukun nain/lider ba resistensia kontra invasaun Indonesia, naran boot tamba halibur ema e partidu e organisasaun houtu iha CNRT iha tempo resistensia, naran boot tamba sai hanesan presidente da republika Timor-Leste, naran boot tamba sai hikas fila fali presidente ba partidu CNRT no naran boot tamba primeiro ministro actual ba periode ne’e. Buat sira houto tamba hahu husi prinsipio no istoria ida. Prinsipio mak libertasaun patria no libertasaun povo nebe koalia ou konta husi ibun ba ibun ho hakerek hela iha suratan e livro husi autor resistensia sira nebe sei esiste hodi sai historia ba gerasaun foun. Wainhira autor resistensia sira la iha ona, geresaun foun mos sei la hatene nia istoria resistansia nebe mos sei bele afeta ba nasionalismo no patriotismo gerasaun foun. Istoria e istoria no istoria tenki transmite ba ema seluk no istoria tenki haktuir lolos.
Maski, ema barak dehan tempo seidauk to’o, tempo seidauk iha atu hakerek, maibe tempo sempre ba oin nafatin, tempo lao nafatin, atu diak liu itabele hahu ho buat kiik nebe laos hodi hakerek deit, maibe hatudu e hadia fatin sira iha resistensia mak iha ba gerasun foun e nune sira bele iha kuinesemento oiton hodi bele buka rasik hodi hatene oitoan. Iha ne’e hakerek nain focus liu ba fatin historiku no author istoria resistensia hodi bele desenvolve ba area turismo nia.Uluk liu, hakerek nain rona husi ema konta katak base resistensia hahu moris fali iha Mehara, los e lae? horas ne’e sai perguntas boot ida nebe persisa resposta ou esplikasaun klara husi autor sira hahu hato’o ba gerasaun foun. Nune mos, harekek nain rona istoria ida katak Xanana tuur tama iha “Leu” (Fataluku lian) ou Bote (Tetun) laran no iha leten taka ho fahi nia ai han. Hakerek nain interesado ho istoria ne’e atu hetan aotor no hatene. Husi plano ba plano no visita ba visita iha rai ne’e la hetan. Ikus mai, iha viagen ida iha loron 17 fulan Junho 2008, hakerek nain hakat liu ba tan iha rai Mehara hodi buka hatene no hetan duni ema nebe tutur Xanana iha “Leu” / Bote laran. Ema ne’e mak Ricardo da Conceicao ho naran kodiku resistensia mak LEAO”, horas ne’e nia ho idade 75 anos, nia katuas ona. Nia ema resistensia iha rede cladestina hanesan estafeta. Atu hetan autor ne’e lori tempo naruk; husu husi uma ba uma, husu ba ema katuas/fereik sira no joven sira. Resposta nebe hetan mak barak liu mak katuas e ferik sira hatene no joven sira barak la hatene. Ne’e hatudu katak istoria resistensia seidauk hatoo ou hanorin mos iha eskola karik.
Hahu husi ne’e, ami dada lia husi tuku 1 loraik too tuku 5 lokraik. Tio Leao hahu kontak istoria; hau hetan orden husi membro resistensia ida (la fo hatene naran) atu hakliki maun bot Xanana husi fatin Cewai iha Com lori too ba iha Mehara. Tuir dalan iha fatin Serelau, militar sira husu nia, ba nebe no lori saida ? Tio Leao hatan dehan,” hau lori fahi nia hahan, no atu ba iha Mehara”, nia kontinua lao too ba iha fatin maski Leu ne’e todan tebes. Xanana hela ho nia durante semana ida, haktuir Tio Leao. Tio Leao haktuir tenik katak maun boot Xanana ain kanek boot, nebe labele lao. Oinsa halo tratamento ba maun boot Xanana nia ain ? Tio Leao dehan, hau ba simu aimoruk iha PUSKESMAS/clinika hafoin fo aimoruk kapsul ba nia. Depois de Ain diak oitoan hau entrega fali maun boot Xanana ba senhor Orlando Jose Maria ho naran kodeku Mau Welis (matebian ona) nebe mate iha 1985. Leu ne’e sei iha ka ?Tio Leao dehan la iha ona. Karik sei iha rohan oan ruma husi Leu ne’e e nakles mos la iha buat ida? Lae oan, at no soe tiha ona iha uluk kedas.Ita lakon tan sasan autentik ida.
Durante muda sai tiha husi uma, Xanana sira ba subar fali fatuk kuak naran “Lu Curu” (Gua Tupai ou laku fatin), husi fatin ne’e mak maun boot Xanana hasoru malu ho Mau Weles, Julio Ferreira ho kodiku Holinacha, Quinalaka no Raja Miguel (matebian ona), Dom Martinho da Costa (matebian ona), Padre Luis (matebian ona) no Padre Afonso Nacher (matebian ona). Sira nia hasoru malu hodi koalia no halo plano no estragia ba resistensia ba libertasaun patria/ukun an. Tebes ka? Persisa resposta husi autores resistensia sira nebe sei moris ba istoria ne’e.
“Lu Curu” fatin ida mak historiku no fatin ida mak bele atria turista antes halo sira nia viagen ba Tutuala e Jaco, wainhira desenvolve diak fatin ne’e. Isemplo ida mak iha Indonesia “Gua Selarong” subar fatin Diponegoro” nebe sai fatin turista no fatin ba estudantes sira hodi haree no hatene sira nia istoria.Oinsa atu desenvolve fatin ne’e ? Tuir hakerek nain nia hanoin; halo konsulta ho autor no autoridade local sira no komunidade, hafoin halo monumento no hatuur fila fali “LEU” ou BOTE imitasi ida no mos rai dokumentus hanesan fotografia, e halo pinturas ou estatua balu no seluk tan atu bele representa ou relembra fila resistencia iha pasado ba gerasaun foun. Depois ida ne’e, fo ba veteranus, juventude no suco hodi tau matan no halo retribuisaun/kontribuisaun kiik ba visitors sira wainhira sira hakarak tama ba iha “LU CURU” laran.
Benefisio saida mak sei hetan husi LU CURU ? Ida, gerasaun foin hatene e rona ho hare fatin istoria resistensia liu husi autor resistensia nebe sei moris, la os trasmiti ou hakerek fali husi ema seluk enkuanto sira sei moris (hanesan Tio Leao, maun boot Xanana); rua, fo rendimento kiik ba empresario ou faan nain kiik sira hanesan: kios, loja, losmen, restaurante, ema nebe faan tais, uma adat e souvenir, ojek, duru basa ou (guide); tolu, hamenus desenprego, bele hamosu kreatividades ba komunidade hodi haburas fila fali valors-valores kulturais sira seluk hanesan: tebe-tebe, dahur, no seluk tan nebe bele atrai ema rai liur no rai laran kona ba promosaun kultura; hat, hametin relasaun fraternidade entre joven husi rai (suku, distrito) ida ba rai (suku, disrito) seluk.
Wainhira hanoin ba buat boot deit nebe ema boot e riku deit mak hetan beneficio hanesan mos fo bosu e hariku ema boot no hamate ou hasusar ba ema kiik sira. Iha matenek nain balu iha prespetiva ida katak “ita halo buat ida atu ema liur atu mai haree no ita tenki kria ou hadia infrastruktura uluk”. Ba hakerek nain hanoin ida ne’e hanoin e ideia ida mak boot liu ou ambisiosu liu tamba fo importansia liu ba ema rai liur no hatuur ema iha rai laran ba iha segundu prioridades no preokupado liu ho sasan infrstruktura e fisik. Hahu husi kiik hodi mosu kompetisaun nebe diak iha kumunidade nia laran do que fo buat houtu-houtu ou kria buat houtu-houtu hodi hamosu deit dependensia.
Tuir hakerek nain nia hanoin, diak liu ita hahu ho plano e hanoin kiik hanesan hau identifika fatin (historiku, culturais) no hakerek, rehabilita ou desenvolve no halo promosaun dau-daun hodi hatoo hikas ona ba gerasaun e komunidade tomak iha rai laran atu sira hatene uluk liu husi programa ida mak hanesan studi visit (lori estudante ba haree, rona no hakerek) ba estudantes sira hahu husi Pre Primaria too ba iha universidade no komplementa ho programa sira seluk.
Maski, ema barak dehan tempo seidauk to’o, tempo seidauk iha atu hakerek, maibe tempo sempre ba oin nafatin, tempo lao nafatin, atu diak liu itabele hahu ho buat kiik nebe laos hodi hakerek deit, maibe hatudu e hadia fatin sira iha resistensia mak iha ba gerasun foun e nune sira bele iha kuinesemento oiton hodi bele buka rasik hodi hatene oitoan. Iha ne’e hakerek nain focus liu ba fatin historiku no author istoria resistensia hodi bele desenvolve ba area turismo nia.Uluk liu, hakerek nain rona husi ema konta katak base resistensia hahu moris fali iha Mehara, los e lae? horas ne’e sai perguntas boot ida nebe persisa resposta ou esplikasaun klara husi autor sira hahu hato’o ba gerasaun foun. Nune mos, harekek nain rona istoria ida katak Xanana tuur tama iha “Leu” (Fataluku lian) ou Bote (Tetun) laran no iha leten taka ho fahi nia ai han. Hakerek nain interesado ho istoria ne’e atu hetan aotor no hatene. Husi plano ba plano no visita ba visita iha rai ne’e la hetan. Ikus mai, iha viagen ida iha loron 17 fulan Junho 2008, hakerek nain hakat liu ba tan iha rai Mehara hodi buka hatene no hetan duni ema nebe tutur Xanana iha “Leu” / Bote laran. Ema ne’e mak Ricardo da Conceicao ho naran kodiku resistensia mak LEAO”, horas ne’e nia ho idade 75 anos, nia katuas ona. Nia ema resistensia iha rede cladestina hanesan estafeta. Atu hetan autor ne’e lori tempo naruk; husu husi uma ba uma, husu ba ema katuas/fereik sira no joven sira. Resposta nebe hetan mak barak liu mak katuas e ferik sira hatene no joven sira barak la hatene. Ne’e hatudu katak istoria resistensia seidauk hatoo ou hanorin mos iha eskola karik.
Hahu husi ne’e, ami dada lia husi tuku 1 loraik too tuku 5 lokraik. Tio Leao hahu kontak istoria; hau hetan orden husi membro resistensia ida (la fo hatene naran) atu hakliki maun bot Xanana husi fatin Cewai iha Com lori too ba iha Mehara. Tuir dalan iha fatin Serelau, militar sira husu nia, ba nebe no lori saida ? Tio Leao hatan dehan,” hau lori fahi nia hahan, no atu ba iha Mehara”, nia kontinua lao too ba iha fatin maski Leu ne’e todan tebes. Xanana hela ho nia durante semana ida, haktuir Tio Leao. Tio Leao haktuir tenik katak maun boot Xanana ain kanek boot, nebe labele lao. Oinsa halo tratamento ba maun boot Xanana nia ain ? Tio Leao dehan, hau ba simu aimoruk iha PUSKESMAS/clinika hafoin fo aimoruk kapsul ba nia. Depois de Ain diak oitoan hau entrega fali maun boot Xanana ba senhor Orlando Jose Maria ho naran kodeku Mau Welis (matebian ona) nebe mate iha 1985. Leu ne’e sei iha ka ?Tio Leao dehan la iha ona. Karik sei iha rohan oan ruma husi Leu ne’e e nakles mos la iha buat ida? Lae oan, at no soe tiha ona iha uluk kedas.Ita lakon tan sasan autentik ida.
Durante muda sai tiha husi uma, Xanana sira ba subar fali fatuk kuak naran “Lu Curu” (Gua Tupai ou laku fatin), husi fatin ne’e mak maun boot Xanana hasoru malu ho Mau Weles, Julio Ferreira ho kodiku Holinacha, Quinalaka no Raja Miguel (matebian ona), Dom Martinho da Costa (matebian ona), Padre Luis (matebian ona) no Padre Afonso Nacher (matebian ona). Sira nia hasoru malu hodi koalia no halo plano no estragia ba resistensia ba libertasaun patria/ukun an. Tebes ka? Persisa resposta husi autores resistensia sira nebe sei moris ba istoria ne’e.
“Lu Curu” fatin ida mak historiku no fatin ida mak bele atria turista antes halo sira nia viagen ba Tutuala e Jaco, wainhira desenvolve diak fatin ne’e. Isemplo ida mak iha Indonesia “Gua Selarong” subar fatin Diponegoro” nebe sai fatin turista no fatin ba estudantes sira hodi haree no hatene sira nia istoria.Oinsa atu desenvolve fatin ne’e ? Tuir hakerek nain nia hanoin; halo konsulta ho autor no autoridade local sira no komunidade, hafoin halo monumento no hatuur fila fali “LEU” ou BOTE imitasi ida no mos rai dokumentus hanesan fotografia, e halo pinturas ou estatua balu no seluk tan atu bele representa ou relembra fila resistencia iha pasado ba gerasaun foun. Depois ida ne’e, fo ba veteranus, juventude no suco hodi tau matan no halo retribuisaun/kontribuisaun kiik ba visitors sira wainhira sira hakarak tama ba iha “LU CURU” laran.
Benefisio saida mak sei hetan husi LU CURU ? Ida, gerasaun foin hatene e rona ho hare fatin istoria resistensia liu husi autor resistensia nebe sei moris, la os trasmiti ou hakerek fali husi ema seluk enkuanto sira sei moris (hanesan Tio Leao, maun boot Xanana); rua, fo rendimento kiik ba empresario ou faan nain kiik sira hanesan: kios, loja, losmen, restaurante, ema nebe faan tais, uma adat e souvenir, ojek, duru basa ou (guide); tolu, hamenus desenprego, bele hamosu kreatividades ba komunidade hodi haburas fila fali valors-valores kulturais sira seluk hanesan: tebe-tebe, dahur, no seluk tan nebe bele atrai ema rai liur no rai laran kona ba promosaun kultura; hat, hametin relasaun fraternidade entre joven husi rai (suku, distrito) ida ba rai (suku, disrito) seluk.
Wainhira hanoin ba buat boot deit nebe ema boot e riku deit mak hetan beneficio hanesan mos fo bosu e hariku ema boot no hamate ou hasusar ba ema kiik sira. Iha matenek nain balu iha prespetiva ida katak “ita halo buat ida atu ema liur atu mai haree no ita tenki kria ou hadia infrastruktura uluk”. Ba hakerek nain hanoin ida ne’e hanoin e ideia ida mak boot liu ou ambisiosu liu tamba fo importansia liu ba ema rai liur no hatuur ema iha rai laran ba iha segundu prioridades no preokupado liu ho sasan infrstruktura e fisik. Hahu husi kiik hodi mosu kompetisaun nebe diak iha kumunidade nia laran do que fo buat houtu-houtu ou kria buat houtu-houtu hodi hamosu deit dependensia.
Tuir hakerek nain nia hanoin, diak liu ita hahu ho plano e hanoin kiik hanesan hau identifika fatin (historiku, culturais) no hakerek, rehabilita ou desenvolve no halo promosaun dau-daun hodi hatoo hikas ona ba gerasaun e komunidade tomak iha rai laran atu sira hatene uluk liu husi programa ida mak hanesan studi visit (lori estudante ba haree, rona no hakerek) ba estudantes sira hahu husi Pre Primaria too ba iha universidade no komplementa ho programa sira seluk.
Senin, 07 Juli 2014
SEPFOPE halo Pagamentu ba eis PNS no Militar Indonesia
Sekretaria Estadu ba Politika Formasaun Professional no Emprego liu husi Diresaun Nasional relasaun do trabalho halo pagementu ba eis PNS, Polisia no tentara iha tempo Indonesia ho total beneficiario hamutuk 22, 336 ba tinan 2014.
Baseia ba encontru entre Governu Timor Leste ho Governu Indonesia kona ba pagamentu ba eis PNS, Policia no tentara Indonesia nebe mak halo knar hanesan funsinario iha tempo nebe hodi bele simu fali sira nian direito hanesan pagamentu ba THT, Taperum, Jamsostek.
Razaun husi pagamentu ne tamba wainhira sira sei serbisu hanesan funsinario publik no militar iha tempo Indonesia, governu liu husi sira nian program koa kada funsinario sira nian osan liu husi Programa Tunjangan Hari Tua, Tabungan Perumanhan rakyat no Jaminan Social tenaga kerja.
Governu Timor Leste no Governu Indonesia antes halo pagamentu ba eis PNS no Militar iha tenpo Indonesia hahu ho diskusaun nebe naruk tamba Governu Indonesia planu atu koa tian 20 pursentu husi osan nebe mak eis funsinario no militar sira rai hela iha tempo nebe liu husi salario nebe mak sira koa hodi rai hela ba Tunjuangan Hari Tua, Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat no pagamentu ba Jaminan Sosial tenega kerja no husu ba eis Funsionario sira nebe mak simu ona sira nian pensiu iha atambua sei laiha tan direitu atu bele simu tan. Dehan Chefe Gabinete SEPFOPE, Beningo da Crus wainhira halo abertura ba pagamentu iha Distrito Manatuto.
Tuir chefe gabinete SEPFOPE ba eis PNS no militar nebe mak simu ona iha Atambua sira sei la simu tan iha tamba ida ne pagemtu ikus husi Governu Indonesia no sira nebe mak tau naran no koko atu bele hetan fali pagementu ba sira nian direito ne sei prosesu tuir lei nebe mak iha no sira nebe mak naran laiha bele mai cek fali iha Diresaun Nasional Relasaun do Trabalho hodi here sira nian naran.
Lista naran nebe mak fo sai para bele simu sira nian direitu neé basia ba akordu entre Timor Leste no Governu Indonesia no lista naran ne mai husi governu Indonseia no SEPFOPE so fasilita ou hanesan ponte para bele ajuda pagamentu ba eis funsinario no militar Indonesia no SEPFOPE mai la lori osan e osan sira ne iha ona banku BNCTL hodi bele halo pagementu no da dahuluk pagamentu ba eis PNS no militar iha Distrito Manatuto so ba 3 dias no Banku BNCTL fo pagamentu hahu husi dia 1 ate dia 20 de Julho.
Tuir dadus nebe mak fo sai husi Governu Indonesia hahu pagementu husi tinan 2002 ate 2014 total beneficiario hamutuk 53,104 no ba tinan 2014 beneficiario hamutuk 22, 336 mak simu sira nian pagementu ho total osamentu hamutuk 7 miloes hahu husi tinan 2002 ate 2014.
Baseia ba encontru entre Governu Timor Leste ho Governu Indonesia kona ba pagamentu ba eis PNS, Policia no tentara Indonesia nebe mak halo knar hanesan funsinario iha tempo nebe hodi bele simu fali sira nian direito hanesan pagamentu ba THT, Taperum, Jamsostek.
Razaun husi pagamentu ne tamba wainhira sira sei serbisu hanesan funsinario publik no militar iha tempo Indonesia, governu liu husi sira nian program koa kada funsinario sira nian osan liu husi Programa Tunjangan Hari Tua, Tabungan Perumanhan rakyat no Jaminan Social tenaga kerja.
Governu Timor Leste no Governu Indonesia antes halo pagamentu ba eis PNS no Militar iha tenpo Indonesia hahu ho diskusaun nebe naruk tamba Governu Indonesia planu atu koa tian 20 pursentu husi osan nebe mak eis funsinario no militar sira rai hela iha tempo nebe liu husi salario nebe mak sira koa hodi rai hela ba Tunjuangan Hari Tua, Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat no pagamentu ba Jaminan Sosial tenega kerja no husu ba eis Funsionario sira nebe mak simu ona sira nian pensiu iha atambua sei laiha tan direitu atu bele simu tan. Dehan Chefe Gabinete SEPFOPE, Beningo da Crus wainhira halo abertura ba pagamentu iha Distrito Manatuto.
Tuir chefe gabinete SEPFOPE ba eis PNS no militar nebe mak simu ona iha Atambua sira sei la simu tan iha tamba ida ne pagemtu ikus husi Governu Indonesia no sira nebe mak tau naran no koko atu bele hetan fali pagementu ba sira nian direito ne sei prosesu tuir lei nebe mak iha no sira nebe mak naran laiha bele mai cek fali iha Diresaun Nasional Relasaun do Trabalho hodi here sira nian naran.
Lista naran nebe mak fo sai para bele simu sira nian direitu neé basia ba akordu entre Timor Leste no Governu Indonesia no lista naran ne mai husi governu Indonseia no SEPFOPE so fasilita ou hanesan ponte para bele ajuda pagamentu ba eis funsinario no militar Indonesia no SEPFOPE mai la lori osan e osan sira ne iha ona banku BNCTL hodi bele halo pagementu no da dahuluk pagamentu ba eis PNS no militar iha Distrito Manatuto so ba 3 dias no Banku BNCTL fo pagamentu hahu husi dia 1 ate dia 20 de Julho.
Tuir dadus nebe mak fo sai husi Governu Indonesia hahu pagementu husi tinan 2002 ate 2014 total beneficiario hamutuk 53,104 no ba tinan 2014 beneficiario hamutuk 22, 336 mak simu sira nian pagementu ho total osamentu hamutuk 7 miloes hahu husi tinan 2002 ate 2014.
Senin, 30 Juni 2014
SEPFOPE Loke Expozisaun Kareira Professional no Empregu 2014 iha Oecusse
Oecusse - Sekretaria Estadu ba Politika Formasaun Professional no Empregu (SEPFOPE), liu husi Diresaun Nasional Emprego realiza expozisaun kareira professional no empregu tinan 2014 iha Distrito Oecusse ne’ebe mak partisipa Esadu husi Membru Parlamentu Nasional, Xefi Gabinete, Administrador Distrito Oecusse, Representante husi ZEEMS, PNTL, no Directores Nasional SEPFOPE.
Exposizaun kereira ne’ebe mak organiza husi SEPFOPE liu husi Diresaun Nasional Empregu ho hanoin ida atu bele fahe informasaun ba estudante finalista hodi bele hetan informasaun ne’ebe klaru husi empregador sira hodi nune’e estudante finalista sira bele hetan liu tan informasaun no bele desidi tuir kareira ne’ebe mak sira hakarak.
Representante ZEESM Arsenio Bano ne’ebe mak partisipa iha eventu refere haktuir katak SEPFOPE nia programa ne’ebe mak desentraliza mai iha Distritu Oe-cusse ne’e diak tebes atu estudante no juventude sira liu husi eventu ida ne’e bele hetan informasaun ne’ebe mak diak husi ezibitor sira, eventu ida ne’e mos ZEESM partisipa tamba ne’e husu atu estudante, juventude no komunidade ne’ebe mak mai visita ezibitor sira hanesan ZEESM tenki husu mos informasaun kona ba prosesu implementasaun iha Distritu Oe-cusse, aliem ida ne’e mos hakarak hato’o mos agradesemntu ba SEPFOPE ne’ebe mak durante ne’e kolabora diak ho ZEESM iha parte preparasaun rekursu umanu, fatin atu hari’i centru formasaun no seluk tan.
Xefi Gabinete Benigno Humberto da Cruz ne’ebe mak reprezenta Sekretariu Estadu SEPFOPE iha diskursu hateten katak eventu Expozisaun kareira no empregu hanesan programa ne’ebe mak kada tinan sempre hala’o husi SEPFOPE ho intensaun atu bele fo introdusaun servisu ba estudante finalista sira ne’ebe mak sei remata estudo iha escola secundaria hodi bele sai nudar referensia ida ba estudante sira atu bele hare’e, hanoin no desidi tuir saida mak estudante sira sei hare’ e no rona husi ezibitor sira ne’ebe mak partisipa iha eventu ida ne’e, tamba ne’e husu ba estudante sira atu bele aproveita oportunidade durante loron rua ho diak atu depois expozisaun bele sai bukae ida ba estudante sira no husu mos atu bele hatutan informasaun refere ba maluk sira ne’ebe mak labele mai partisipa iha eventu ida ne’e.
Iha eventu refere membru husi parlamentu nasional apresia ho servisu SEPFOPE nian ne’ebe mak bele desentraliza eventu expozisaun kareira no empregu ba iha Distritu 7 inklui Dili atu estudante sira bele aproveita no hatene informasaun molok sira foti desizaun hafoin remata estudu iha escola secundaria, Membru Parlamentu husi komisaun A ne’e mos haktuir katak lei kona ba ZEESM promulga ona husi Sua Exelensia Presidente da Republika tamba ne’e lakleur tan povo Oecusse sei hare’e desenvolvimentu ne’ebe mak sei implementa iha ne’e, no hafoin rona preparasaun rekursu umanu ne’ebe mak hala’o ona husi SEPFOPE ba juventude Oecusse sira ne’e parte ne’ebe mak diak tebes atu ita bo’ot sira bele sai na’in no autor ba Desenvolvimentu iha imi nia rai rasik, haktuir Natalino Nascimentu iha diskursu wainhira partisipa abertura expozisaun karreira no empregu.
Implementasaun programa expozisaun kareira no feira servisu ida ne’e sei halao durante loron 2, nebe sei partisipa husi empregador no centru formasaun mai hanesan ezibitor hamutuk 28, kompostu husi, Istituisaun Governu 8 hanesan : ZEESM, PNTL, SEPFOPE, Servisu Saude Distritu(SSD), Diresaun Servisu Agrikultura, Centru Joventude, Centru Dezenvolvimnetu Emprezarial(CDE), edukasaun, ONG local hamutuk 7 hanesan : SOLS 24/7, FPWO, Y-ACTS, Belun, BIFANO, ALEBAO no CECEO, Caritas Australia, Fundasaun Esperansa Enclave Oe-Cusse(FEEO), Fundasaun ALOLA, Fundasaun Comunidade Beon-Sila(FUNIBES), CCT no TT, Franciscana Padiae, ensino Superior DITKREO, UNPAZ no Kristal, ensinu Sekundaria ETA, Grupo Auto Empregu minyak Kayu putih no kabas Timor.
Partisipa iha expozisaun refere hamutuk estudante finalista hamutuk 546 (Mane 288 no feto Feto 258 ) husi escola sekundario 5 iha distritu Oecesse, mak hanesan escola ensinu Sekundaria publika Palaban, ensinu Sekundaria Publika Meco-Sikaloti, ensinu Sekundaria Catolika St.Antonio Oe-Cusse, ensinu Tekniku Vokasional Palaban, ensinu Tekniku Agrikola Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão.
Orsamentu ba realizasaun Expozisaun kareira no feira traballo ida ne’e, mai husi Orsamentu Geral do Estado ba SEPFOPE nian, ne’ebe mak gasta ona ba programa refere hamutuk $6.695.00, no iha mos apoiu balun mai husi parseiru sira mak hanesan Timor Telekom ho apoiu, telemovel no pulsa, banner no brosura expozisaun no Apoiu tekniku hosi ILO/OIT ba produsaun manual expozisaun kareira.
Rabu, 30 April 2014
Ministro da Justisa, Dionisio Babo Soares abertura lancamentu Nasional uza ekipamentu serbisu baseia ba Lei do Trabalho, sermonia ne’e akompanha husi Sekretariu Estadu ba Politika Formasaun Profisional no Empregu, Ilidio Ximenes da Costa, Presidente Komisaun D PN, Jacinta Abu Cau Pereira, Presidente komisaun F PN, Virgilio da Costa Hornai , Presidente CCI- TL, Julio Alvaro, assesor Presidente da Republika, empregario, Sindikato, trabalhdores no media nacional, Atividade neé lancamentu realiza iha Mandarin, Dili 30-04-2014. Media SEPFOPE
Sabtu, 19 April 2014
Senin, 14 April 2014
Lancamentu Centru Treinamentu GEAR SPEED – Timor Leste
Lancamentu Centru Treinamentu GEAR SPEED – Timor Leste ba Formasaun Básiku Makániku no Operador Equipamentu Pesadu husi Vice Primeiro Ministro Fernando “La Sama” de Araujo nebe akompanha husi Sekretariu Estadu ba Politika Formasaun Profisional no Empregu, Ilidio Ximenes da Costa, Presidente Comissão E asuntu Infra-Estruturas, Transportes e Comunicações, Pedro dos Mártires da Costa no Vice Presidente Comissão D asunto Economia e Desenvolvimento, Domingos Carvalho de Araújo. Atividade neé realiza iha Hera. 15/04/2013. Media SEPFOPE.
Jumat, 14 Maret 2014
SEPFOPE : Sending People Overseas, Generating Money
Remittance is amount of money which sent by
overseas workers to their family at origin country. This type of income is
significant in generate a number of important positive contribution to the
economic development of many household whose mostly lives in rural areas.
Viewed from the macroeconomic perspective,
remittances also influences the increase of national income of individuals in
each family who are getting the chance for the overseas employment and tend to
reduce poverty and inequality in recepient countries, as well as increase
aggregate investment and growth. At microeconomic
stand point, the family who’s regularly earn income from remittances; can
improve their economy condition such as increase the daily consumption for food
and the basic needs. Futhermore, this income also used to increase saving,
spend more on the education, improve children's health and estabelsihed a small
or medium-sized of businesses in the community. The data from BNU (Banco
Nacional Ultramarino) revealed that every year, workers in South Korea sending
money to family with the total amount of US$ 1,746,250.22
(BNU, 2013). Meanwhle, the data from Western
Union Agency recorded remittances every three months with the
total amount ofUS$ 1,200,538.30. Total
remittances recorded by SEPFOPE in 2013
reachedUS$ 2,946,838.53.
Timor Leste as a newly independent state in the era
of milleneum, as a new country it is true that there are variety of challenges
facing in the process of economic development. With the rapid rate of
population growth about 3.3% each year, many of Timorese are still living under
poverty line (World Bank, 2008; WFP, 2010). Beside the above condition,
Timor Leste is rich with natural resources such as oil and gas. However, rely
on natural resources will not guarantee the sustainability of the economic
development for the future. Related to a sustainable development, the
government has adopted some important policies in recent years through the
implementationof varies programs in the sectors of agriculture, fisheries and
tourism. The aims of these policies are to substitute the dependency on oil and
gas sector. These productive sectors which mentioned above are related to the
world's labour market. In the era of globalization, the demand of the workforce
is increasing every year especially in developed countries. This is one of the
indicators for youth in less developed countries to seek for overseas
employment with the expectation to gained more skills and earned more income.
Although it's considered as "low wages" for people in developed countries,
the amount of money earned is very valuable for people in poor countries in
order to improve the economy of their household.
Policy of the Government of Timor-Leste
The Timor Leste Government policy, through the
Secretary of State for Professional Training and Employment Policy (SEPFOPE) is
to reduce unemployment, improve the quality and skills of human resources,
creating conducive working conditions for the workers through employment
protection, and elaborate the"Labor Code" in accordance with the
international provisions. Associated with the demand of the labor market
opportunities in developed countries, the Government of Timor -Leste use this
opportunity to reduce the rate of unemployment which has reached 3.6 %
(SEPFOPE, 2010). To achieving this goal, the government has been implementing
some programs in the area ofVocationalTraining at existing training centers and
the implementation of Overseas Employment Program. This program will have two
positive impacts, the fisrt is to increase the number of human resource which
equiped with varies ability and ready to enter the labour market. The second is
to fullfill the overseas employment program, this program will gives an
opportunity to the youth to work overseas and support the family’s economy.
Overseas Employment Program
Overseas employment is one of the programs under
the responsibility of the National Employment Department (DNE). Implementation
of this program is based on the agreement with the countries that want to
receive workers from Timor Leste. During this period, the Government of Timor
-Leste has signed agreements with the Government of South Korea and Australia.
In the agreement those countries agreed on some important issues, one of the
agreement is the period of contract for the workers, The South Korean
Government provides an employment opportunity for the period of one to three
years, if the workershas estabelishedgood performance and behaviour, the
contract will be extended for another two years; over five years if the workers
still maintain positive performance and behaviour, the South Korean Government
will provide the Special Visa namely E7 which give an opportunity for workers
for the freely movement in South Korea as well as the right to choose on a
company which they want to work for. On the other hand, the Australian
Government opened a program called 'seasonal workers' contracts that provide
opportunities to the workers from Timor Leste with the provisions of the
working period for three to six months in each year. The type of the contract
with a short period is one of Australia's policies to restrict foreigners to
stay longer in Australia.
Overseas Employment has been implemented by the
government since 2008: in the first phase, the Government of Timor-Leste
through SEPFOPE sent 50 workers to South Korea. In 2011 the South
Korean Government was asking for 2,500 workers, but Timor Leste was only
offering 400 workers; in 2012, South Korea raised the number of
employees reached to 2750 people, Timor Leste once again releasing only 500
workers. In 2013 the South Korean government demanded workers jumped up
to 3,500 people, but the number which derived from the Government of
Timor-Leste only reach to 280 workers. Judging from the small number
that sent by the Government of Timor Leste, South Korea also reduce the number
of employees to 1,750. In 2014 the number of bids not receive yet an
answer from the Government of Timor-Leste on how many number of workers will be
delivered.Total number of workers which sent by the Government of Timor-Leste
was not in accordance with the amount requested by South Korea in 2011 until
2013, which should reach 7,570 workers, it can be concluded that the
Government of Timor-Leste has wasted opportunity in improving human resources
while reducing the income of remittance that should be received by Timor Leste
in large numbers. Based on the information from the relevant department which
responsible for the program said, "SEPFOPE has its own criterias that
should be met by prospective workers to South Korea such as attending Korean
language course in a few months: in fact, many workers did not pass the final
exam" (Alves.P 2014). This statement can be concluded that
the approach of the Government policy through SEPFOPE should be improved, and
it’s necessary to overcome challenges as fallowed:
- Limitations of training centers which only localizing in a few districts.
- Dissemination of information on overseas employment to the rural areas is not evenly distributed.
- Korean language training techniques do not work well because the candidates do not attend to the fullest.
- Mechanisms of teaching from Korean teachers are not effective due to the limited recognition of local languages.
- The allocation of funds from the Timor-Leste Government for Korean language training is not included in the category of priority to the Human Resources Development Funds in each year.
If these constraints be addressed and corrected the
results of this training for the candidates will offer a large number of
workers in accordance with the request submitted by the South Korean
Workers in South Korea and Australia
The number of workers currently working in South
Korea reached 1,358 people. Data from the National Employment Department
which administers overseas employment can be seen in the following figure:
Through this figure, it can be analyzed that the workers employed in the fisheries sector achieve the highest number compared to the number of workers in the agricultural sector and factories. This shows that the fisheries sector is a priority for the labor market in South Korea. Based on the facts, SEPFOPE need to focus in creaating good estrategis on training techniques in the fisheries sector and maksimised coordination with relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. The goal of coordination is to prioritisedthe investment in the fisheries sector in Timor-Leste. Another point is to prepare labour market of this sectors in order touse the lebour withskills, knowledge and experience when the contract with South Korean Government is end.Compared to the number of workers employed in South Korea, the number of workers employed in Australia is very small and only apply to the two sectors such as hospitality and agriculture. The total number of Timorese workers in Australia can be seen in the following graph :
From this graph shows that, Australian labor market
is in need of people who have skills in the hospitality sector. The number on
the chart above becomes an indicator for the Government of Timor-Leste to more
focus on technical training in the hospitality sector. To support this, one of
the training to focus is the English Language Training, this training as a way
to respond to the selection with more competitive bycompanies in Australia
which seeks for more workers from Timor Leste. Another point is that the
Improvement of the skills of human resources in the hospitality sector is very
useful because in the coming years Timor Leste can become a tourist destination
for neighboring countries such as Australia and New Zealand.
Remittance from the Workers
When disccused about the number of overseas workers, it’s closely tied to the
income earned by workers every month. Income earned on a monthly basis mostly
sent to families living in Timor Leste. Based on the data obtained from the BNU
Bank (Banco Nacional Ultramarino), each year the total money sent by
workers in South Korea to their families in Timor Leste totaled US$
1,746,250.22. Data from Western Union Agency indicates the progress
of income for the quarterly remittances was US$ 1,200,538.30. If counted
the whole amountof income from overseas employment program has received a
remittance of US$ 2, 946,838.53. The data is considered incomplete
because some finacial institutions operating in Timor Leste as Mandiri
Bank, ANZ and small agencies that deal with the money transference services has
not report yet the information of remittances through their service.
The total income earned by the workers overseas is very significant. Workers
and their money is theimportant elements to supportthe improvement of family
economy at the country origin. Nevertheless a few percent of the money had to
be cutted for the operational cost as a fees on transferes services which apply
in all the financial institutions which work in this sector.. For example,
Western Union, if it received a total transfer of US$ 1000.00, operating
rates for tax can reach 10% of the amount of money sent. The system does
not provide a profit to the workers remitters receivers because the money sent
to the family must be cut with a high percentage of tax payments.
To respond to the high operational cost by the
financial institution or business which focuses in this sector, the Government
of Timor-Leste needs to implement some of the policies as follows:
- Reduce taxes on money that is transferred by the workers.
- The government of Timor Leste working closely with companies that provide contract to workers, to immediately create a permanent form of deposits in accordance with the duration given by the Bank.
- Forming a National Bank that provides operational with a small tax percentage of the price to the workers who work abroad and give high interest money that helped workers to deposit their money for their overseas employment contracts.
This idea is reasonable when viewed from the
paradigm of macro-economic stand; this system is effective to improve
the economy in the country from the income which regularly sends to to existing
bank. Furthermore, the Nasional Bank can implement the "saving &
loan" system to people that requires capital for their businesses. If workers
(owners of money) have completed their contracts and intend to return to Timor
Leste, they can take all the money in the refer bank.
The national income of every family is one of the indicators to measure the
growth of economic of its citizens. Through the national income, experts can
evaluate the progress of economic development. . Looking on the positive
contributions, in the 2014 State Budget Debate, SEPFOPE pick the issue in the
plenary and addressed by parliamentarian from the opposition party, Nina Rangel
dos Reis who questioned the national income that does not count the
remittances. Vice Finance Minister, Santina Cardoso acknowledges this weakness
when answering the question of annual remittances as income for the State.SEPFOPE
Plans to conduct in depth analysis about impacts of the overseas workers’
remittances on the state economic development, SEPFOPE admits that over the
years there has been no thorough analysis of overseas income which sends by
Timorese workers. Looking at these shortcomings, in 2014 SEPFOPE had planned to
provide funding support to conduct useful analysis in depth on the issue of
remittance to Timor Leste. Support will be given to Timorese students who are
conducting studies on master's degree in the field of development in New
Zealand. The thesis entitled "Overseas Activities that contribute to
the Economic development of Timor Leste: an analysis of remittance of overseas
Timorese workers." Through this article, we can see a thorough
analysis of the overseas employment program policy and resulting benefits for
long-term economic development.
Many people talk about government ineffectivity in
addressing the problems of unemployment faced by the State at this time. Some
said that the government does not give attention to the necessities of the
overseas workers. It is true that there are many reasons that support the ideas
presented above and SEPFOPEacknowledges the advantages and disadvantages of the
program implemented. Disadvantages of this program are visible such as sending
workers abroad means that the country loses more skills labor or workers.
However in the reality, this program has its advantages to reduce the rate of
unemployment in the country, moreover the workers gain new skills, knowledge
and more importantly gain income and sent back to their family in Timor Leste.
The remittances obtained by Timorese overseas workers very positively
contribute to the economic development of the family who mostly lives in rural
areas. The total numbers of workers with 1,389 people working in South
Korea and Australia have produced a remittance of US$ 2,946,838.53 each
year for the local economy. However in some point, the Government of Timor
-Leste failed to respond to the number of workers requested by South Korea and
Australia. Looking at this reality, the government needs to improve the
overseas programs working systems, and the efforts of the new policy should be
done in order to support workers income bydeposit their money into the National
Bank at the country origin which might raise high interest of the money and
give them an advantage when the contract period is completed. SEPFOPE needs to
undertake training through overseas employment program with the clear mission
where workers can learn and has good work experience and when they get the
chance for the overseas employment; those experiences that they get might
change their mentality to be more professional in the area they chose. SEPFOPE
policy by implementing overseas employment program have a positive impact such
as enhance skills and good experience and included moreincome in order to
improve the economy of the family and provide significant income for the State.
Alves, P. (2014)" Director fo Nasional
Employment Department" SEPFOPE, Dili, Timor-Leste
BNU (Banco Nacional Ultramarino), 2013:
"Specific data of income transference from workers in South" Dili,
Timor Leste.
National Employment Department (DNE), 2013:
"2013 Annual Report of National Employment Department, Overseas Employment
Program: Dili, Timor Leste.
SEPFOPE (2013): "Work Guidelines of
Secretariat of State for Professional Training and Employment Policy” Dili,
Timor Leste.
World Bank (2013), Qouted from World Food Programe:
"Fighting hunger worldwide" Dili, Timor Leste.
Western Union - Timor Leste (December
2013):"Specific data of income transference from workers in South"
Dili, Timor Leste.
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