Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

SEPFOPE : Sending People Overseas, Generating Money

Remittance is amount of money which sent by overseas workers to their family at origin country. This type of income is significant in generate a number of important positive contribution to the economic development of many household whose mostly lives in rural areas. Viewed from the macroeconomic perspective, remittances also influences the increase of national income of individuals in each family who are getting the chance for the overseas employment and tend to reduce poverty and inequality in recepient countries, as well as increase aggregate investment and growth. At microeconomic stand point, the family who’s regularly earn income from remittances; can improve their economy condition such as increase the daily consumption for food and the basic needs. Futhermore, this income also used to increase saving, spend more on the education, improve children's health and estabelsihed a small or medium-sized of businesses in the community. The data from BNU (Banco Nacional Ultramarino) revealed that every year, workers in South Korea sending money to family with the total amount of US$ 1,746,250.22 (BNU, 2013). Meanwhle, the data from Western Union Agency recorded remittances every three months with the total amount ofUS$ 1,200,538.30. Total remittances recorded by SEPFOPE in 2013 reachedUS$ 2,946,838.53.

Timor Leste as a newly independent state in the era of milleneum, as a new country it is true that there are variety of challenges facing in the process of economic development. With the rapid rate of population growth about 3.3% each year, many of Timorese are still living under poverty line (World Bank, 2008; WFP, 2010). Beside the above condition, Timor Leste is rich with natural resources such as oil and gas. However, rely on natural resources will not guarantee the sustainability of the economic development for the future. Related to a sustainable development, the government has adopted some important policies in recent years through the implementationof varies programs in the sectors of agriculture, fisheries and tourism. The aims of these policies are to substitute the dependency on oil and gas sector. These productive sectors which mentioned above are related to the world's labour market. In the era of globalization, the demand of the workforce is increasing every year especially in developed countries. This is one of the indicators for youth in less developed countries to seek for overseas employment with the expectation to gained more skills and earned more income. Although it's considered as "low wages" for people in developed countries, the amount of money earned is very valuable for people in poor countries in order to improve the economy of their household.
Policy of the Government of Timor-Leste
The Timor Leste Government policy, through the Secretary of State for Professional Training and Employment Policy (SEPFOPE) is to reduce unemployment, improve the quality and skills of human resources, creating conducive working conditions for the workers through employment protection, and elaborate the"Labor Code" in accordance with the international provisions. Associated with the demand of the labor market opportunities in developed countries, the Government of Timor -Leste use this opportunity to reduce the rate of unemployment which has reached 3.6 % (SEPFOPE, 2010). To achieving this goal, the government has been implementing some programs in the area ofVocationalTraining at existing training centers and the implementation of Overseas Employment Program. This program will have two positive impacts, the fisrt is to increase the number of human resource which equiped with varies ability and ready to enter the labour market. The second is to fullfill the overseas employment program, this program will gives an opportunity to the youth to work overseas and support the family’s economy.
Overseas Employment Program         
Overseas employment is one of the programs under the responsibility of the National Employment Department (DNE). Implementation of this program is based on the agreement with the countries that want to receive workers from Timor Leste. During this period, the Government of Timor -Leste has signed agreements with the Government of South Korea and Australia. In the agreement those countries agreed on some important issues, one of the agreement is the period of contract for the workers, The South Korean Government provides an employment opportunity for the period of one to three years, if the workershas estabelishedgood performance and behaviour, the contract will be extended for another two years; over five years if the workers still maintain positive performance and behaviour, the South Korean Government will provide the Special Visa namely E7 which give an opportunity for workers for the freely movement in South Korea as well as the right to choose on a company which they want to work for. On the other hand, the Australian Government opened a program called 'seasonal workers' contracts that provide opportunities to the workers from Timor Leste with the provisions of the working period for three to six months in each year. The type of the contract with a short period is one of Australia's policies to restrict foreigners to stay longer in Australia.
Overseas Employment has been implemented by the government since 2008: in the first phase, the Government of Timor-Leste through SEPFOPE sent 50 workers to South Korea. In 2011 the South Korean Government was asking for 2,500 workers, but Timor Leste was only offering 400 workers; in 2012, South Korea raised the number of employees reached to 2750 people, Timor Leste once again releasing only 500 workers. In 2013 the South Korean government demanded workers jumped up to 3,500 people, but the number which derived from the Government of Timor-Leste only reach to 280 workers. Judging from the small number that sent by the Government of Timor Leste, South Korea also reduce the number of employees to 1,750. In 2014 the number of bids not receive yet an answer from the Government of Timor-Leste on how many number of workers will be delivered.Total number of workers which sent by the Government of Timor-Leste was not in accordance with the amount requested by South Korea in 2011 until 2013, which should reach 7,570 workers, it can be concluded that the Government of Timor-Leste has wasted opportunity in improving human resources while reducing the income of remittance that should be received by Timor Leste in large numbers. Based on the information from the relevant department which responsible for the program said, "SEPFOPE has its own criterias that should be met by prospective workers to South Korea such as attending Korean language course in a few months: in fact, many workers did not pass the final exam" (Alves.P 2014). This statement   can be concluded that the approach of the Government policy through SEPFOPE should be improved, and it’s necessary to overcome challenges as fallowed:
  1. Limitations of training centers which only localizing in a few districts.
  2. Dissemination of information on overseas employment to the rural areas is not evenly distributed.
  3. Korean language training techniques do not work well because the candidates do not attend to the fullest.
  4. Mechanisms of teaching from Korean teachers are not effective due to the limited recognition of local languages.
  5. The allocation of funds from the Timor-Leste Government for Korean language training is not included in the category of priority to the Human Resources Development Funds in each year.
If these constraints be addressed and corrected the results of this training for the candidates will offer a large number of workers in accordance with the request submitted by the South Korean Government.
Workers in South Korea and Australia
The number of workers currently working in South Korea reached 1,358 people. Data from the National Employment Department which administers overseas employment can be seen in the following figure:

Through this figure, it can be analyzed that the workers employed in the fisheries sector achieve the highest number compared to the number of workers in the agricultural sector and factories. This shows that the fisheries sector is a priority for the labor market in South Korea. Based on the facts, SEPFOPE need to focus in creaating good estrategis on training techniques in the fisheries sector and maksimised coordination with relevant ministries such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. The goal of coordination is to prioritisedthe investment in the fisheries sector in Timor-Leste. Another point is to prepare labour market of this sectors in order touse the lebour withskills, knowledge and experience when the contract with South Korean Government is end.Compared to the number of workers employed in South Korea, the number of workers employed in Australia is very small and only apply to the two sectors such as hospitality and agriculture. The total number of Timorese workers in Australia can be seen in the following graph :

From this graph shows that, Australian labor market is in need of people who have skills in the hospitality sector. The number on the chart above becomes an indicator for the Government of Timor-Leste to more focus on technical training in the hospitality sector. To support this, one of the training to focus is the English Language Training, this training as a way to respond to the selection with more competitive bycompanies in Australia which seeks for more workers from Timor Leste. Another point is that the Improvement of the skills of human resources in the hospitality sector is very useful because in the coming years Timor Leste can become a tourist destination for neighboring countries such as Australia and New Zealand.

Remittance from the Workers
            When disccused about the number of overseas workers, it’s closely tied to the income earned by workers every month. Income earned on a monthly basis mostly sent to families living in Timor Leste. Based on the data obtained from the BNU Bank (Banco Nacional Ultramarino), each year the total money sent by workers in South Korea to their families in Timor Leste totaled US$ 1,746,250.22. Data from Western Union Agency indicates the progress of income for the quarterly remittances was US$ 1,200,538.30. If counted the whole amountof income from overseas employment program has received a remittance of US$ 2, 946,838.53. The data is considered incomplete because some finacial institutions operating in Timor Leste as Mandiri Bank, ANZ and small agencies that deal with the money transference services has not report yet the information of remittances through their service.
            The total income earned by the workers overseas is very significant. Workers and their money is theimportant elements to supportthe improvement of family economy at the country origin. Nevertheless a few percent of the money had to be cutted for the operational cost as a fees on transferes services which apply in all the financial institutions which work in this sector.. For example, Western Union, if it received a total transfer of US$ 1000.00, operating rates for tax can reach 10% of the amount of money sent. The system does not provide a profit to the workers remitters receivers because the money sent to the family must be cut with a high percentage of tax payments.
To respond to the high operational cost by the financial institution or business which focuses in this sector, the Government of Timor-Leste needs to implement some of the policies as follows:
  1. Reduce taxes on money that is transferred by the workers.
  2. The government of Timor Leste working closely with companies that provide contract to workers, to immediately create a permanent form of deposits in accordance with the duration given by the Bank.
  3. Forming a National Bank that provides operational with a small tax percentage of the price to the workers who work abroad and give high interest money that helped workers to deposit their money for their overseas employment contracts.           
This idea is reasonable when viewed from the paradigm of macro-economic stand; this system is effective to improve the economy in the country from the income which regularly sends to to existing bank. Furthermore, the Nasional Bank can implement the "saving & loan" system to people that requires capital for their businesses. If workers (owners of money) have completed their contracts and intend to return to Timor Leste, they can take all the money in the refer bank.
            The national income of every family is one of the indicators to measure the growth of economic of its citizens. Through the national income, experts can evaluate the progress of economic development. . Looking on the positive contributions, in the 2014 State Budget Debate, SEPFOPE pick the issue in the plenary and addressed by parliamentarian from the opposition party, Nina Rangel dos Reis who questioned the national income that does not count the remittances. Vice Finance Minister, Santina Cardoso acknowledges this weakness when answering the question of annual remittances as income for the State.SEPFOPE Plans to conduct in depth analysis about impacts of the overseas workers’ remittances on the state economic development, SEPFOPE admits that over the years there has been no thorough analysis of overseas income which sends by Timorese workers. Looking at these shortcomings, in 2014 SEPFOPE had planned to provide funding support to conduct useful analysis in depth on the issue of remittance to Timor Leste. Support will be given to Timorese students who are conducting studies on master's degree in the field of development in New Zealand. The thesis entitled "Overseas Activities that contribute to the Economic development of Timor Leste: an analysis of remittance of overseas Timorese workers." Through this article, we can see a thorough analysis of the overseas employment program policy and resulting benefits for long-term economic development.
Many people talk about government ineffectivity in addressing the problems of unemployment faced by the State at this time. Some said that the government does not give attention to the necessities of the overseas workers. It is true that there are many reasons that support the ideas presented above and SEPFOPEacknowledges the advantages and disadvantages of the program implemented. Disadvantages of this program are visible such as sending workers abroad means that the country loses more skills labor or workers. However in the reality, this program has its advantages to reduce the rate of unemployment in the country, moreover the workers gain new skills, knowledge and more importantly gain income and sent back to their family in Timor Leste.
            The remittances obtained by Timorese overseas workers very positively contribute to the economic development of the family who mostly lives in rural areas. The total numbers of workers with 1,389 people working in South Korea and Australia have produced a remittance of US$ 2,946,838.53 each year for the local economy. However in some point, the Government of Timor -Leste failed to respond to the number of workers requested by South Korea and Australia. Looking at this reality, the government needs to improve the overseas programs working systems, and the efforts of the new policy should be done in order to support workers income bydeposit their money into the National Bank at the country origin which might raise high interest of the money and give them an advantage when the contract period is completed. SEPFOPE needs to undertake training through overseas employment program with the clear mission where workers can learn and has good work experience and when they get the chance for the overseas employment; those experiences that they get might change their mentality to be more professional in the area they chose. SEPFOPE policy by implementing overseas employment program have a positive impact such as enhance skills and good experience and included moreincome in order to improve the economy of the family and provide significant income for the State. ***

Alves, P. (2014)" Director fo Nasional Employment Department" SEPFOPE, Dili, Timor-Leste
BNU (Banco Nacional Ultramarino), 2013: "Specific data of income transference from workers in South" Dili, Timor Leste.
National Employment Department (DNE), 2013: "2013 Annual Report of National Employment Department, Overseas Employment Program: Dili, Timor Leste.
SEPFOPE (2013): "Work Guidelines of Secretariat of State for Professional Training and Employment Policy” Dili, Timor Leste.
World Bank (2013), Qouted from World Food Programe: "Fighting hunger worldwide" Dili, Timor Leste.
Western Union - Timor Leste (December 2013):"Specific data of income transference from workers in South" Dili, Timor Leste.

Hasai ema Hatama osan

Hasai Ema, hatama Osan liu husi retornu trabalhador nebee servisu iha Rai Liur



Retornu ka remittance mak rendementu/osan nebee mai husi rai liur haruka husi sidadaun nebee halo servisu iha rai seluk, rendementu nee positivu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia ba lolos uma kain nebee mak barak liu hela iha area rurais. Haree husi prespectiva makro ekonomia, rendmenetu exterior fo impaktu ba hasae rendementu nasional uma kain balun nebee mak ninia familia servisu iha rai liur. Hare husi prespektiva mikro ekonomia, uma kain sira nebee mak hetan rendementu husi retornu, hadia moris familia nian liu husi hasae konsume loron-loron ba ai han nomos abilidadesosa nesesidade basico, investe ba edukasaun familia e mos investe ba negosio kiik ka mediu iha komunidade nia leet. Kada tinan trabalhador Timor oan iha Korea do Sul haruka osan fila ba familia ho total montante $1,746,250.22 (BNU, 2013). Dadus husi ajensia Western Union, iha fulan tolu nia laran retornu trabalhador hamutuk $1,200,538.30. Total retornu nebee mak rekorda husi SEPFOPE iha tinan 2013 hamutuk $2, 946,838.53.

Timor Leste nasaun nebee ukun aan iha era milenium,la ses husi obstaklu oin oin iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu ekonomia rai laran. Hanesan nasaun foun nebee kiik ho populasaun nebee mak sei moris iha linha kiak nia okos (Banku Mundial,2008; sita husi WFP, 2010), Timor Leste riku horekursu naturais hanesan minarai no gas. Maibe, dependente ba rekursu naturais nebee sei hotu iha tempu ida, la garantia sustentabilidade ekonomia iha futuru. Relasiona ho desenvolvimentu sustentabel, politika governu nian lao makas iha tinan hirak nia laran, esforsu ida nee bele haree liu husi aprosimasaun ba programa oin oin iha seitor produktivu sira hanesan seitor Agrikultura, Pescas no Turismu ho objektivu atusubstitui dependente ba seitor minarai no gas. Seitor produktivu nebee mensiona iha leten iha relasaun ho merkado trabalho mundial nian. Iha era globalizasaun nee,industria trabalhador aumenta kada tinan liu-liu iha nasaun dezenvolvidu (developed countries), ida nee sai indikador ba joventude barak husi nasaun kiak (less developed countries) atu buka servisu iha rai liur. Rajaun nasaun dezenvolvidu fo oportunidade servisu ba imigrante tamba "selu ho salario" nebee kiik.Maski osan nebee simu iha nasaun dezenvolvidu kiik, rendementu nee nia valor boot tebes iha nasaun kiak sira no positivu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia uma kainnebee regularmente simu rendementu nee.

Politika Governu Timor Leste.
Politika governu Timor Leste liu husi Secretario do Estado para Politika e Formasaun Profissional (SEPFOPE) makatu redus dezempregu iha rai laran, hasae kapasidade rekursu humanu liu husi formasaun professional, kria kondisaun ba trabalhadores sira liu husi protesaun de servisu, produs lei do trabalho atu regula trabalhadores sira iha rai laran e mos iha rai liur.Koresponde ho oportunidade merkado do trabalho iha nasaun dezenvolvidu nebee nakloke ba mundu, Governu Timor Leste liu husi SEPFOPE la husik let oportunidade nee, ho politika atu redus numero dezempregu nebee mak ba dadaun ne'e 3.6%(SEPFOPE, 2010), Governu implementa programa oin-oin hodi hamenus dezempregu iha rai laran no hasae kapasidade rekursu humano ho formasaun tekniku iha formas oin oin.Formasaun teknikunebee positivufo impaktu doubro ba dezenvolvimentu rekursu humano no hasae ekonomia familia mak implementasaun programa Empregu Exterior/Overseas employment. Objectivu husi programa ida nee mak haruka trabaladores sira ba rai liuratu hetan esperiensia ba badaen, mateneke mos hetan rendementu hodisuporta ekonomia familia iha rai laran.

Programa Empregu Exterior
Programa EmpreguExterior hamrik iha Dirasaun Nasional e Empregu (DNE) nia okos. Realizasaun programa nee liu husi akordu legal entre Governu Timor Leste ho Governu husi nasaun nebee mak prontu simu trabalhadores husi Timor Leste. Ba dadaun nee, Governu Timor Leste halo akordu ho Governu Korea do Sul no Governu Australia, iha akordu nebee mak establese entre governu rua hakerek klaru kona ba durasaun de servisu husi trablhadores sira nebee mak selesiona no hetan kontratu. Governu Korea do Sul fo oportunidade servisu ba Timor oan ho durasaun tinan ida to tinan tolu, wainhira trabalhadores sira nee iha komportamentu diak,kontratu sei aumenta tan tinan rua, se sira atinjitinan lima no mantein nafatin komportamentu nee, Governu Koreano sei fo vistu espesial ida ho naran E7 nebee mak oferese oportunidade ba trablhadores sira nee tama sai Korea do Sul ho livre nosira iha dereitu atu hili kompania nebee deit mak sira interese atu servisu hamutuk.Diferente ho Governu Korea do Sul,Governu Australia ho programa "seasonal workers" oferese kontratu ba trabalhadores Timor oan sira ho durasaun fulan 3 to fulan 6 kada tinan kontratu ida nee basea ba politika governu Australia nian nebee mak limita ema estranjeiru atu hela kleur iha sira nia nasaun.
Programa ida nee komesa iha tinan 2008. Iha permeira faze,Governu Timor Leste liu husi SEPFOPE haruka trabalhadores hamutuk 50 ba Korea do Sul.Iha Tinan 2011 Governu Koreano fo quota trabalhadores hamutuk ema 2500 maibe Governu Timor Leste prense deit ema 400, iha 2012 Governu Koreano hasae tan quota trabalhadores ba 2750 maibe Governu Timor Leste prense deit trabalhadores hamutuk 500, iha tinan 2013 quota nee aumenta ba 3500, governu prense deit 280. Hare ba resposta husi Governu Timor Leste la atinji quota nebee fo durante tinan hirak nia laran, iha tinan 2014 governu Koreano hamenus tiha quota trabalhadoresba ema1750 deit no seidauk hatene hira mak bele prense husi Governu Timor Leste.
Ho total numero nebee la konsege prense husi Governu Timor Leste durante tinan 2011 to 2013 hamutuk ema 7570, Governu Timor Leste lakon oportunidade atu hasae kapasidade rekursu humano nomos aumenta retornu nebee hetan husi seitor merkado do trabalho ba Timor Leste. Tuir informasaun husi Dirasaun nebee mak toma konta ba programa nee hateten katak joven barak tuir kursu lian Korea durante fulan balun nia laranmaibee iha ezame final barak mak la pasa. Ho ida nee ita bele halo analiza katak aprosimasaun husi Governu Timor Leste liu husi SEPFOPE ladun maksimu tamba iha obstaklu barak hanesan :
·         Fatin ba formasaun limitado no eziste deit iha distritu balun.
·         Informasaun Empregu Exterior la lao maximu to iha area rurais.
·         Formasaun tekniku lingua Korea la lao ho diak tamba ladun iha atendementu maksimu husi kandidatu sira
·         Mekanismu hanorin husi profesor Koreano la efektivu tamba kestaun Lingua.
·        Alokasaun orsamentu husi Governu Timor Leste ba parte formasaun tekniku lingua korea laos prioridade ba Fundus Capital Desenvolvimentu Humano kada tinan.
Ho hadia obstaklu sira nee maka output husi aprendesazen nee bele hasae numero kandidatu atu pasa iha ezame konkorente ba lingua Koreano ne bele responde quota nebee mak oferese husi Governu Koreano.


Actual Trabalhador iha Korea do Sul no Australia.
Numero aktual trablhadores nebee mak servisu iha Korea do Sul hamutuk1,358. Dadus husi Dirasaun Nasiona do Empregu/DNE ba programa Empregu Exterior bele hare iha kuluna tuir mai nee;

Haree didiak kuluna nee, ita analiza katak numero trabalhador nebee servisu iha seitor peskas ass tebes kompara ho numero nebee servisu iha seitor agrikultura no fabrika. Ida nee hatudu katak seitor peskas sai prioridade ba merkado trabalho iha Korea do Sul. Parte SEPFOPE tengki halo estrategia ida atu foku ba formasaun tekniku iha seitor nee no halo koordenasaun maximu ho linha ministerial relevantes hanesan Ministeriu Agrikultura e Pescas. Koordenasaun ida nee atu fo prioridade atu duduinvestementu iha area peskas rai laranho rajauntrabalhadores ho esperiensia no matenek iha area nee preparado atu servisu wainhira sira nia kontratu ho Governu Korea do Sul remata.
Kompara ho numero trabalhador nebee servisu iha Korea do Sul, numero trabalhador nebee servisu iha Australiakiik liu no foku deit ba seitor rua; seitor hospitalidade no seitor agrikultura. Total trabalhador nebee servisu iha Autralia bele hare iha chart tuir mai nee:

Husi chart nee hatudu katak, merkado do trablaho iha Australia persija liu ema nebee ho skill iha seitor hospitalidade. Numero nee bele sai indikador ba Governu Timor Leste atu foku ba formasaun tekniku iha seitor hospitalidade. Atu nunee bele responde ba selesaun kompetitivuhusi Governu Australia nebeehili deit trabalhador ho abilidade ass intermusde lingua no skill nebee persija. Hasae kapasidade rekursu humano iha seitor hospitalidade diak tebes ba Timor Leste tamba iha futuru nasaun ne sei sai fatin destinasaun ba turista sira nebee mak barak liu sei mai husi fatin besik hanesan Australia no Nova Zealandia.
Retornu/Remitence husi Trabalhador.
Koalia kona ba numero trabalhador nebee iha ona servisu iha rai liur, la ses husi rendementuka osan nebeetrabalhador sira hetan kada fulan. Rendementu nebee mak hetan kada fulan barak liu haruka ba sira nia familia nebee husik hela iha Timor Leste.Sistema haruka osan husi rai liur mai rai laran ema hanaran retornu (Dictionary.com). Tuir dadus,retornu nebee mai Timor Leste husi trabalhador iha fatin hotu hotu iha rai liurkda tina estima ho montante $5 milliaun. Ida nee estima 1.4% husirendementu minarai no gas nebee montante $365 miliaun iha tinan 2006. (Shuaib, 2008). Haree spesifiku ba trabalhador nebee haruka husi SEPFOPE ba rai liur, tuir Bangku Nasional Ultramarinho/BNU kada tinan trabalhador Timor oan iha Korea do Sul haruka osan fila ba familia ho total montante $ 1,746,250.22. Dadus husi ajensia Western Union, fulan tolu deit trabalhador sira haruka ona osan ho montante $ 1,200,538.30. Soma hamutuk iha tinan 2013, output husiprograma Empregu Exterior liu husi retornu hamutuk$ 2, 946,838.53.Dadus nebee mak hetan seidauk kompletu didiak tamba Banku sira nebee mak opera iha Timor Leste hanesan Banku Mandiri, Micro Financas no ajensia kiik nebee oferese servisu transfere osan ba mai seidauk fo dadus kona ba osan nebee transfere liu husi sira nia servisu.
Montante rendemenetu nebee hetan husi trabalhador sirasignifikante tebes, trabalahador sira nee hanesan makina hodi hasa'e ekonomia familia nian iha rai laran. Maibe osan nebee manda regularmente mai Timor Leste liu husi operasaun banku ka agensia nebee oferese servisu nee kona taxa nebee as tamba kustu operasional. Ezemplu Western Union, wainhira total transfer nebee mak haruka mai Timor Leste ho montante liu $1000, agensia nee sei fo kustu operasional 10% nebee selu ketak ou koa deretamentu husi osan nebee haruka. Sistema ida nee, la fo benefisiu ba trabalhador sira tamba osan nebee lolos haruka barak ba sira nia familia koa hotu ba taxa. Politika nebee mak bele halo husi Governu Timor Lestemak hanesan :
1. Hamenus taxa ba osan nebee transfer husi trablhador sira mai Timor Leste.
2. Kopera hamutuk ho kompania nebee fo kontratu no trabalhador atu komesa kria halo deposito iha banku nasional iha forma deposito permanente ho durasuan nebee fo husi banku.
3. Defini banku nasional ida atu oferese kustu operasional kiik ba trabalhador nebee servisu iha rai liur no oferese funan nebee ass atu dada trabalhador deposito sira nia osan durante durasaun kontratu servisu iha rai liur.
Hanoin ida nee rajuavel tebes hare husi paradigma makro ekonomia, sistema ida nee efectivu atu hasae roda ekonomia iha rai laran. Ho rendementu nebee mak regularmente transfere mai banku iha rai laran, fo dalan ba banku sira atuhalo imprestimu ba negosiates nebee mak persija kapital ba sira nia negosio. Bainhira trablhador "osan nain" remata sira nia kontratu servisu no fila mai Timor Leste sira bele foti hotu sira nia osan nebee sira rai iha banku referee.
Rendementu nasional uma kain sai nudar indikador atu sukat ekonomia sidadaun iha nasaun ida. Liu husi rendementu nasional,matenek nain sira halo avaliasaun ba progresu desenvolvimetu ekonomia husi prespectiva makro nian.Haree ba kontribuisaun positivu ida nee, iha debate orsamentu geral ba tinan 2014, SEPFOPE foti issue nee iha plenaria. Isu nee hetan atensaun husi deputada bangkada oposisaun Sra.Maria Angelina Rangel,nebee kestionakona ba relaiabilitas rendementu nasional tambala inkluidu rendementu husi trabalhador siraiha rai liur, Vice Ministra Financas Sra.Santina Cardoso reconhesefailansu nee wainhira responde ba kestaun retornu anual nasaun nian.

Planu SEPFOPE ba estudu klean impaktu retornu husi trabalhador iha rai liur ba desenvolvimentu iha rai laran.
SEPFOPE realiza katak durante tinan hirak nia laran seidauk iha estudu klean kona ba rendementu exterior nebee haruka husi trablhador sira mai Timor Leste. Haree ba falta ida nee, iha tinan 2014, SEPFOPE iha ona planu atu fo suporta orsamentuba estudu klean kona ba retornu/remittances nebee tama mai Timor Leste. Suporta nee sei fo ba estudante Timor oan nebee ba dadaun nee halo hela estudu ba masterado iha Nova Zelandia iha area Estudu Dezenvolviemntu. Teze nebee atu hakerek ho titlu"Aktividades transnational nebee kontribui ba desenvolvimentu ekonomia Timor Leste: Estudu ba kazu retornu husi Timor oan nebee servisu iha rai liur ". Liu husi estudu ida nee, ita bele hare klean kona ba politika Programa Empregu Exterior ninia vantajen no disvantajen ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia iha durasaun naruk.
Ema barak koalia kona ba inefektividade Governu atu responde problema dezempregu iha rai laran, katak governu la toma atensaun atu loke kampu de servisu iha rai laran, iha mos lia balun kona ba inkapasidade governu atu atende nesesidades trabalhadores iha rai liur. Los dunik, iha rajaun barak mak suporta hanoin nebee mensiona iha leten. SEPFOPE rekonhese katak iha vantajen no desvantajen husi programa nee. Desvantajen visibel mak ita haruka ema sai ba rai liur signifika katak ita lakon trabalhador ho skill/matenek iha rai laran, maibe relaidade hatudu katakvantajen husi programa nee hanesan trabalhador hetan esperiensia no matenek impaktu positivu seluk trabalhador sira hetan rendementu liu husi retornu nebee tama mai Timor Leste.
Ikus mai, rendementu husi retornu nebee maihusi trabalhadorTimor Leste servisu iha rai liur,positivu kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomia ba lolos uma kain nebee mak barak liu lokaliza iha area rurais. Ho total1389 trabalhadores iha Korea do Sul no Australia kontribui ona rendementu ho total $ 2,946,838.53 kada tinan baekonomia lokal. Iha mos sasidik barak mak hasoru husi governu Timor Leste nebee mak failha atu responde quota nebee husu husi Governu Korea do Sul no Governu Australia. Haree ba realidade nee governu persija hadia sistema de servisu programa empregu exterior, buka maneira atu dada trabalhador sira deposito/rai sira nia osaniha banku nasional nebee mak fo funan as no benefisia sira depois sira nia kontratu remata. SEPFOPE haloformasaun liu husi programa Empregu Exterior ho misaun klean atu hetan esperiensia servisu iha rai liur no muda mentalidadeservisu individual nebee hetan oportunidade. SEPFOPE iha ona planu atu halo estudu klean ida kona ba benefisiu husi retornu iha 2014.PolitikaSEPFOPE haruka ema ba liur fo ninia impaktu positivu hetan esperiensia gratuito no hatama rendementu husi rai liur atu suporta ekonomia familia no hasae rendementu nasional iha rai laran.

Banku Mundial (2013), Sita husi World Food Programe. " Fighting hunger worldwide" Dili, Timor Leste.
Banku Nasional Ultramarino (2013)" Dadus espesifiku transfere orsamentu trabalhador Timor Leste iha Korea do Sul" Dili, Timor Leste.
Dirasaun Nasional do Empregu, dadus " Relatorio anual 2013 Dirasaun Nasional do Empregu, Programa Empregu Exterior" Dili, Timor Leste.
Dictioray.com,"remittance" retreived husi http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/remittance
SEPFOPE (2013) "Mata Dalanservisu ba Secretariadu bapolitika no formasaun profiisional e empregu" Dili, Timor Leste.
Shuaib.F.(2008)."Timor Leste Country Report" foti husi http://aid.dfat.gov.au/Publications/Documents/etimor_study.pdf
Western Union Timor Leste (Dezembru 2013)," Dadus espesifiku transfere orsamentu  

Hakerek husi :
Brigida Soares Assesora Nasional SEPFOPE